Meridian Magazine

29 March 2005

Where's the phone!!!!!!!!

The cordless phone is a great invention. There was a time when holding a private telephone conversation at home required a 30 foot stretch cord and a convenient closet. The way we deal with technology may speak volumes about the age we grew up in. The phone rings and my wife and I look for it where the phone belongs, sitting in its base. Perhaps this is because we grew up expecting the phone to be tethered to the wall by its cord. For our children, the phone rings and they focus on the location of the ring. Unfortunately if the phone doesn't spend enough time resting in its base the battery will discharge and no one can answer it even if they can find it. If Jensen has been the last person to use the phone, it is likely buried under a pile of dirty clothes or camouflaged in some way lying on her unmade bed with myriad other items.

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