Meridian Magazine

26 September 2007

The Heavyside Layer

You know how our family is with nicknames. The latest for the cats are: Tommy is called "He who must not be tamed." He is the more manly in attitude and demeanor of the two males. He struts around looking very tough. He's always trying to get outside so he can go marauding with his homies. Last week he got out and Jensen tried to lure him back with some catnip (Kitty Crack). He attacked her arm and she has really bad scratches and a bite, scarred for life. Digory's name is evolving to Diggy and then the logical progression of Doggy and now also Snoop Diggy Dogg. Funny thing is I think he is actually tougher when it comes to fighting than Tommy is. But he looks and walks like a bit of a pansy. Here's some fun video of Digory the first time we put a collar on him. He does some really funny dance moves.