Meridian Magazine

20 March 2005

Shootin' Match

My best grouping.

I took the girls to a shooting range yesterday. We shot some guns once before at the Colorado River. That included a 20 gauge shotgun and some clay pigeons. The kids were quite impressed with my marksmanship. They accused me of hiding from them my "license to kill" status from my NSA days.
Yesterday we rented a little 9mm handgun and bought 100 rounds. The casing that ejected from my first shot went right down my shirt. (No, I wasn't wearing a disco shirt fashionably unbuttoned.) Luckily, the casing wasn't hot enough to burn my skin. I turned to the girls and admonished them to keep their mouths closed while they were shooting. Ailsa was holding the gun low, not aiming through the sights. She felt like quite a dweeb when we told her what she was doing wrong. Jensen hit the middle of the bullseye dead on with her first shot on a fresh target. She was very excited about that and was imagining showing it to her friends. On one of her subsequent shots she hit something that made the target drop to the floor. She was so disappointed we had to restrain her from entering the range to retrieve it.

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