Meridian Magazine

11 March 2005

Spiritual Matters

I was struck recently while reading Alma 11:9-11 in the Book of Mormon. As one matures spiritually it becomes increasingly apparent that the uninitiated cannot understand or relate because they are... well, uninitiated. That may seem so blatantly obvious. You will not see what I see until you stand where I stand. It is a long and delicate process. I can only help you want to experience it. Also if someone reverses their spiritual course they are "given the lesser portion" (which reads like it is taken away from them, but maybe it is worded this way intentionally to imply that we have nothing unless our "light" is constantly given to us.) until we actually do not know or remember what it was like back when. To strain the analogy a little compare Red State experience to Blue State experience. I seems fairly obvious that the red has no idea what it's like for the blue and has no appreciation for them.

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