Meridian Magazine

01 August 2006

Two Weddings and a Funeral - Again

As we wind down and wind up for our San Clemente trip, this last week and weekend were as busy as usual. Wedding reception Friday night for Michelle Davies at her parents' house. They are long time residents and old guard movers and shakers. As we rounded the corner to their house we could see a line of well wishers stretching about 100 feet. I wanted to turn around. But, it was a good opportunity to visit with people.

Saturday morning I got up at 5am to get Barry and drive up to ride the Morgan loop. We went out 1 hour and then turned around and came back. I didn't feel particularly fast and kept telling Barry so. Of course we were faster on the way back because it is slightly downhill.

After the bike ride Lenore and I went to Norick Long's funeral. In the picture above he is fourth from the right on the front row and I am second from the right (of the boys) on the back row. The funeral was very nice. It was good to see his family again after so long. His brother, Jared, spoke and gave some very nice heartfelt comments. Jesse and James Clissold sang and did a very good job. Sibling blend was very nice. James went up a couple notches in my estimation because he looked scared to death and also looked close to breaking because of emotion. But, he hung in and did admirably. I couldn't help but notice how much his mannerisms seemed like Fielding when he was singing.

Kay spoke (admirable of her) and their son Stuart spoke and did well. At first It seemed he might not be serious enough. But, he quickly turned to the scriptures and the Gospel and it was a very good and appropriate talk. There was no effort to conceal Norick's struggle with prescription pain killers which was brought on by persistent back trouble. But, it also was not the center of attention. One of his friends spoke and told about meeting with Norick in the recent past where Norick expressed the fear of losing his family. I took that both literally and figuratively. Both Lenore and I were struck that it may have been a tender mercy that he was taken now prior to reaching the point of "losing" his family.

Norick was such a perfectionist in his own work and was exacting in his personality, it was probably a very difficult thing for him to admit openly that he had a weakness. The timing of his death I think made it so that he could be remembered more for his good qualities than for his weaknesses.

I realized during the service that I had been somewhat guilty of judging him in his addiction. I remembered during the service that in our Scouting days when we were gearing up for our 50 mile hike he injured his back (already starting to give him trouble at that age) and he had to rig up a very large waist pack (a fanny pack ahead of its time) to be able to do the 50 miler.

The situation at the cemetery was a little unusual because Destiny Norton's funeral was just wrapping up while we were there. The gang of BACA biker enthusiasts left with their mufflers roaring and thundering right as Kay Long was trying to say the dedicatory prayer. I know they are bikers and all, I mean that's what they do. But, it might have been a nice touch even of respect for destiny if they had solemnly pushed their motorcycles to the gate of the cemetery. Maybe I'm being stupid.

Saturday evening we went downtown to the Wells Fargo Center for Ashley Wiscombe's wedding reception. The guy seems real nice. It is too bad the marriage of Ashley's parents broke up. Jeff was there with his new wife and kids. Peggy looked very good. But, very worldly. She had to make Jeff hold some champagne while toasts were made. We saw the Parkinsons and spent a lot of time speaking to them. Their six-year old, Ian, chummed with Laney. However, when we suggested they dance Laney turned very anti social. I don't think she liked the pressure. She warmed up again when Ian started talking about the movie "Aquamarine."

Here's Laney at the Wiscombe Reception

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