Meridian Magazine

27 July 2006

End Times

I want to make a sort of a prophecy. But, don't start banking on it or start your own cult based on it.

Some of these may be no brainers.

Before long the Tax exempt status of Churches will be challenged and probably overthrown unless the Churches toe the line on the humanist, politically correct doctrines of the day: recognizing and allowing (and even being forced to perform) "homosexual marriages." This would include temple marriages. Churches will also come under fire for excommunicating members for infractions of its doctrine and not allowing anyone to hold the priesthood or marry. I expect the LDS Church, of course, will hold its line and will start paying taxes.

Churches will be barred from ever ever ever ever espousing anything that approaches a political idea even after losing their tax exempt status.

Public education will continue to worsen and liberalize. It may get to the point where "home schooling" or private schooling are outlawed. Against parents wishes, children will be required to submit to the presentation (indoctrination) of one-sided liberal points of view presented as fact without rebuttal or opposition. Oh wait, that's happening already.

The role of the Government as protector and provider of the Common Defense will wane and its assumed role as regulator and provider of everything else will continue to grow.

We know from the scriptures that Israel will stand alone. That even the U.S. will not come to its aid. It's kinda easy to see this happening already. But, I expect there will always be, possibly even very close to a majority (but maybe a powerless majority) a sector of Americans who will support Israel.

It will probably become nearly impossible to execute anyone for any crime. Life in prison will become most tolerable. The cost of warehousing and supporting prisoners will be a growing burden.

Regarding the prophecy of Joseph Smith about the Elders of the Church saving the Constitution:

"Even this nation will be on the very verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground; and when the Constitution is upon the brink of ruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean; and they shall bear the constitution away from the very verge of destruction. " [spelling and punctuation modernized] (Dean C. Jessee, "The Historian's Corner" BYU Studies Vol. 19, No. 3, Spring 1979, p. 392)

I've always thought that meant that the Nation would be brought back from the verge of division and destruction by re-embracing the tenets of the Constitution and that the members of the Church would lead the charge. I now think it is more likely that secession and possibly civil war will take place. When I first considered this idea I figured that right thinking people would feel the need to split from the rest of the country. I now think it is possible that the wrong thinking people may be inclined to secede or try to.

Lenore pointed out to me the other day that God brought the flood in Noah's day and Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed when society reached a point where there was almost no possibility for the rising generation to choose good, because they would only be exposed to bad. I might add an additional condition: when we can no longer protect our children. The recent abduction and death of Destiny Norton highlights a growing frustration with this problem.

It's hard to say how close we are. We are definitely spiraling. I don't really want things to get much worse. But, I suppose I may have to witness it.

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