Meridian Magazine

23 August 2006

Old Good Friends

Since we had missed the first Sunday at San Clemente, we didn't give any input where and when to go to Church. Last year we went to the newly built fancy Chapel, partly because that's where the ward we always met with has their meetings now. The Sunday we weren't ther Darrell and Fielding instead went to the old chapel that they have gone to for years. That was fine with us for the second Sunday too. The ward we attended was the Capistrano second Ward. That is Debbie (Sedgwick) Stapley's ward. It was interesting to see her and her family. She looked good, maybe taller or thinner than I remember.

Sunday night we went to dinner at Stuart Campbell's house. Toni Trumbo also came and brought two of her daughters. It was a very lovely dinner and we talked a lot. Could have talked hours longer.

Toni came down to San Clemente early Monday morning and we rode the tandem together. She did pretty well. We almost broke my solo record getting down to the turn around point. We took it easier coming back.

I gave Stuart a copy of the photo of our Scout Troop at Lost Valley. He passed it on to Chris Money and Chris emailed me wanting to get together. He came down to San Clemente early Friday morning 18 August and we went Surfing together for about an hour or so. Toni had brought a 10 foot surfboard for us to use and I liked it alot. I did okay, was finally able to mostly paddle around without wimping out too much, caught a couple of waves. But, also biffed it a lot.

Chris then took the family out to breakfast (sans Laney) at Pedros. I have heard of this place for several years. But, I have not ever gone. Sadly, we have gone to very few local places while at the beach. We enjoyed Pedros immensely and had a fun time chatting with Chris.

Doug and Stacey Tate and kids Spencer and Mikayla also came down and spent the most part of a day with us. Joan informed me that I was supposed to entertain the Tates in the afternoon. I'm afraid I didn't do much entertaining.

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