Meridian Magazine

29 August 2006


Ever since our return trip from the River in July when Laney was ill, she has been VERY compLaney every time we have had to drive any distance at all in the car. This happened again when we drove to the Taylor's Cabin a couple of weeks ago and she was very difficult on the way down to San Clemente. When we returned home Laney became ill again in Barstow just as we pulled into a filling station. We were well equipped with a plastic bag, so no permanent mess in the car.
We decided we needed to try motion sickness medicine. She hasn't seemed to need this before. Maybe she's grown into a phase. We got her some generic Dramamine and Lenore gave her 1 pill. The dosage said to use one-half to one. Laney fell asleep and only awakened shortly before we arrived in Saint George. As Ailsa and Jensen will attest, we had the most pleasant drive while she was asleep. We will keep some on hand in the car from now on.
Funny thing though, When we drove down to Provo recently to pick up Ailsa at Steve Trumbo's house, we didn't give her any medicine and she didn't complain much.

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