Meridian Magazine

20 August 2005

The Tender Mercies of the Lord

On Monday 15 Aug while we were in San Clemente we went to the open house for the Newport Beach LDS Temple. At the San Clemente first ward it was the topic du jour and it sounded like everyone involved was just thrilled about it. We parked in the temporary off site parking at the Mariner Church and rode a Bus over to the Temple. Joan announced to our tour guide that we were all members (so no need to waste valuable missionary oriented breath on our account.) When we rounded the curve and the Temple came into view my heart thrilled with the spirit. And I felt similar emotions in the baptistry and other rooms as well. Once again the decor, design, and workmanship were top notch. I expect many people who attended the open house will never step inside a building on par with it unless they get to visit the Sultan of Brunei.

I kept expecting to see at least a couple of people I might know from all of my acquaintances who live in the Southland. Finally as we were leaving the Temple and making our way over to the reception area I saw Kay Powell. It's funny, I think I run into her more often than anyone else from my past and I think she is the least plussed by our occasional sightings.

There was a nice young man with an electric cart giving rides to the feeble and handicapped. He had three extra seats and offered them to me, Lenore, and Laney. Just as I was sitting down Stuart Campbell came over and grabbed me. I had got back in touch with him about a month ago and tried to see if we could get together. I think he was really busy with Open House assignments. I spent my whole time in the reception area catching up on his latest. They are adding a second level to their house so they are in an apartment for the remodel. He said being involved in the Open House had been like serving another mission, a great spiritual high. He and Kendra had been tour guides in the Temple. But, they had just finished their last tour of their whole assignment and he was making his way to the car to go home when he spotted me. He went to the wrong parking lot or we wouldn't have seen eachother. We may also not have met if I hadn't seen Kay Powell or taken the ride on the electric cart (something I am usually loathe to do.)

In the reception area I also saw Cindy Baron and John and Jamie Harmon.

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