Meridian Magazine

11 February 2005

Pop Culture is Filth

Local radio talk show host Bob Lonsberry touched on this topic briefly this morning. Our popular culture is rife with ego and empty "self esteem." More attitude than substance. This has become agonizingly more apparent in recent years in the pop music industry. Don't get me wrong, there is some talent out there. There is even some promising and untapped talent out there. Too many singers today employ vocal "embellishments" sliding up to pitch, and giving way too many jazz flourishes. These devices lead me to believe they are unsure of their voice so they mask it behind a cheap facade. They use fake "soul" to substitute technique. Christina Aguilera is a good example of this. Let me say outright that I think she has a good voice and it could probably be even better. She's even very good at the embellishments. But, there is a point where you can't see the painting for the brushstrokes and it becomes apparent that the emperor is naked.

Likewise in many other facets of life we recognize and praise mediocrity and thereby stifle excellence. Utahns give standing ovations at the drop of a hat. People talk the talk and can't even come close to walking the walk.

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