Meridian Magazine

29 May 2018

One Way Revelation Works

Almost two weeks ago, on an evening bike ride, I noticed my brakes not working very well and starting the squeal a little. Mainly, I could tell the rear brake was not doing very well. It felt like the cable had slipped so the shoes weren't putting much pressure on the rim.

I first noticed this a 123rd south, and then at 114th and then other stops or slow downs. Finally at 7800 south it was bad so I stepped off the road to try to adjust the brake. I tightened things up and then noticed it didn't improve the brake performance. Then I realized part of the brake was missing.

I think the following is a good example of how revelation can work. My first reaction was, "Huh, that's weird." A couple of seconds later I remembered that at one point it has sounded and felt like I ran over something in the road when I hadn't seen anything. I figured that must have been the part falling off. My next thought was, "Well, I have no idea what point in the ride that was."

The brake, as well as a lot of the parts on this bike are unique, one off designs. You couldn't just replace the part with any old brake shoe holder. I'm pretty sure you could find a replacement, and it might not even be terribly expensive. But, it would take some time and bother.

I rode home slowly so as not to put myself in a bad spot where I needed to stop real quickly. As I did I prayed and thought about the situation. I started to remember more and more. I first thought it was probably 123rd south where I lost the part. Then I thought maybe it was 114th south. By the time I got home I was thinking of another possible spot at about 125000 south on 200 east.

I cleaned up and logged my ride and ate dinner. Then Lenore and I got in the car to see if we could find the part. (I did this once before when my saddle broke near the Lone Peak skate park, and found those parts.)

I said another quick prayer and we drove to the last place I thought of. Within 30 seconds I had found the part lying in the street. It took about 30 seconds to find the bolt as well. I was still missing a conical washer and maybe one other flat washer. But, I was just happy to have found the main part.

We said a quick prayer of thanks and I had the bike back together and operational with carefully tightend brake parts by the end of the night.

Whew! I think that was all help from Heaven.

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