Meridian Magazine

08 January 2009


When I left on my mission, it was the LTM. I had been to one semester at BYU. My parents dropped me off at John Wayne airport for my first airplane ride. A former roomate and distant cousin, Tom Grassley, picked me up in Salt Lake. I think a girl named Gina Darnall from Urbana Illinois accompanied him. They helped me with my bags into the foyer of the LTM and then waved goodbye. I sat alone in the orientation/induction meeting. I was special.

I am so glad I finally got the chance to do this with family. We were all kinda teary.

We had planned on my giving Ailsa a Father's blessing prior to her departure. The night before she was busy with friends and stuff. We then thought we would do it before leaving the house. But, we were running late and had to pick up Lane and Jensen. We left McMillan elementary school at 11:45. We were supposed to be at the MTC at 12:30. I disregarded all speed limits and drove about 85 the whole way. Once we got into Orem, we could tell we were doing okay on time. Still, we didn't get to Jensen's apartment until 12:20. We decided then to take a little time and do the Father's blessing. I am very glad we did. It was a special experience. Maybe as good for us as it was for Ailsa.

The MTC is a bustle of organization and positive energy. MANY local elderly volunteers helping at every turn. You can't help but feel the Spirit there. I hope many families with potential missionaries, inactive, or non members, take them to participate in this missionary dropping off.

If you want to see the true salt of the earth people and true Law of Consecration in practice, you must go. It is not unlike the Israelites leaving a child at the Temple to serve for years.

1 comment:

Brent Kay said...

Moments like these go beyond the ability of words to articulate the overwhelming emotions involved. I never went on a mission; yet I understand from the accounts of others, that it can provide a unique opportunity and fertile ground for the profound numinous moment which can last more than a lifetime. Congratulations to all involved! Good luck, Alisa!

Brent (Cousin from Nevada)