Meridian Magazine

17 December 2008

A Google a Day

Like Amanda Tanen and Gene Simmons I Google myself every morning (not). However, I did do it today and found some interesting things:

While finishing my undergraduate degree at BYU I worked for Dr. H. Donl Peterson translating some old texts. One of these is listed on the "internets" and attributes the translation to me. I never knew what happened to that work. You can find it right here. I don't expect it is a very good translation though since it was translated from French and I know very little French.

There are three websites that list me as a horrible despicable contributor to the Prop 8 campaign. I'll try to put their names here in such a way that that their Google ranking doesn't benefit from it:


I think in retaliation I am going to list them on a website that I will name,

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