Meridian Magazine

21 April 2006

Repent! The Day of the Lord is Nigh!

I've starting riding again and so begins my annual pursuit of the fitness lost during the long cold inactive calorie laden winter. I've only ridden about 100 miles so far this year. But, 50 or so of those are in the last three days. (And I will probably ride 20 miles tomorrow.) I'm sure I started cycling about this same time last year. But, I apparently did not keep track of mileage and times until they became more respectable. I feel slow and tired. Looking at my pace doesn't help any. I'm not sure if it is the legs, heart, lungs, or the mitochondria at this point. Probably all of them. It makes me think of the principle of repentance. With all due respect to J. Golden, most of the time repentance is a longer process than we think. I expect by the end of May I will have mostly repented for my fall from physical grace. Hopefully, I will be able to reach the same levels as the last two years.

List of Components/Weights/Cost

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