Meridian Magazine

06 January 1990

Christmas 1994

It's time for your annual report on Lillywhite family activity (or lack thereof) for the past year. Lenore and I both did some things this year that we have never done or not done in a long time. One of these things was snow skiing. I know it seems odd that we would wait more than two years after moving back to Utah to take up this sport again. It took us that long to find our equipment.

We spent an enjoyable weekend in February, stayed at a resort in Beaver, Utah with a large part of my family, and skied for a couple of days. We even got Ailsa to do it. The final afternoon was the best because we foisted Ailsa off on the kinderski school (read babysitters) and went off by ourselves. Although it had been roughly nine years for each of us since our last ski outing, it didn't take long for us to regain our respective Jean Claude Killy and Picabo Street forms. (I imagine myself in the giant slalom at the Olympics, plummeting downhill at break-neck speed, several thousandths of a second ahead of the course record, barely on the edge of control. The problem is I am barely on the edge of control at any speed. Let's just say that the Utah Ski Council passed me over in their search for a ski poster model.)

Ailsa picked up on skiing very quickly. But, it is obvious she is plagued with her father's level of cold weather tolerance. If the temperature dips below the boiling point of water I don everything in sight, including "very Soviet looking babushka hat" and neoprene mask. Lenore says I look like a James Bond nightmare. This year we hope to get Jensen out on some skis too.

At our summer vacation in the Sierras we also persuaded Lenore to try waterskiing for the first time in a half life. (This was after a grueling mountain bike ride involving a vertical climb of probably 1000 feet in as many yards.) She accused me of trying to "do her in" for the insurance money. It was a tremendous struggle for her to get up on the skis. But, she stuck with it and eventually got dragged around the lake. It wasn't long before she was looking like Belinda Carlisle on the Go Go's album cover.

However, it was at the end of our summer vacation that tragedy struck. I fell at the "potholes" (where you slide down slippery rocks in the middle of a stream) and broke off one of my front teeth. There are no practical contingencies for Friday evening dental emergencies in the area of Fresno, California. So I just waited until Monday when I was back in Salt Lake. (A three day milk shake diet can really bring down your energy level.) Everything is fine now though, and I am grateful to report that this little incident is the worst thing that happened all year.

Earlier in the year there had been rumblings (against the protestations of Ailsa) of a mommy-daddy vacation in some tropical paradise "sans enfants" (without the kids). Howsomeever, this did not materialize and our blood pressure probably shows it. Maybe that will be this year's thing that we have never done before.

Jensen is developing quite a singing voice, with prodigious virtuosity and volume. She has started copying her parents in singing songs with make-them-up-as-you-go-along words sung to a familiar tune. This often elicits laughter from the family. She is also quite a swimmer and most of all enjoys holding her breath and testing her deep diving abilities. She has me push her down in the deep end to see if she can touch the bottom of the pool. If she comes close to running out of air, she says, "I almost drinked."

Ailsa is preparing for her school production of the Nutcracker. She will be one of the sugar plum dancers. Although I can tell she would rather have a more principal role, it doesn't seem to bother her. She has understudied everyone and knows all the lines.

This year saw two changes in church jobs for me. I was first teaching the gospel doctrine class (which, if you ask me, is the best job in the whole shooting match) and then called as Second Counselor in the Bishopric again. Lenore still serves as the Relief Society Secretary. We are busy but don't complain about it too much. I think it could be worse.

Our basement is now semi-finished with carpeting and paint and heat and everything. There are some things which still need doing: the built in bookcase, the fireplace hearth and mantle, and the bathroom/washroom. But, at least now it is very usable. Otherwise no major purchases, no major changes in the household. Body count still the same, despite efforts otherwise (if you believe Lenore above there were both efforts to reduce and increase our number.) Luckily, we are still driving the same old cars.

We look forward to hearing from you and want you to know that our association with you is a highlight to our lives. We hold dear your friendship and contact. May the Lord bless you to be able to hold firm for what is right and good.

Todd, Lenore, Ailsa, and Jensen
430 East Crown Pointe Drive
Murray, Ut 84107

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