Meridian Magazine

30 December 2012

Christmas 2012

We had the usual fun Christmas/New Year vacation/fun time this year. I was out of work from 21 Dec to 2 Jan. I like that.

Our ARB work party was Friday evening 21 Dec. We ate dinner at the Maverik Center in the “Golden Corridor.” we had some festivities and awards and such and then watched the Grizzlies and the Las Vegas Wranglers in a Hockey game. The kids had their Kung Fu Christmas party scheduled at the same time. We thought we might leave early so they could catch the end of it. But we were enjoying ourselves and no one wanted to leave so we stayed to the bitter end at the Maverik Center. The Grizzlies lost to the Wranglers on the last shot of a shoot-out.

One day, I think it was maybe the Saturday before Christmas, we went to see The Hobbit at the theater. I can't recommend it. Stretching out too much story to make even one film, let alone three.

I cooked a Turkey the Sunday before Christmas and it turned out very good, 23 lbs. Then for Christmas Lenore made Turkey Wild Rice soup and it was VERY good. I also cooked an Italian Crostata and it turned out very good as well. Here are some pictures from Christmas day. The kids have been all wrapped up lately in watching Doctor Who. So Jensen painted the wrapping paper on Laney's gift to look like a TARDIS.

The day after Christmas we went to visit my parents in Saint George for a couple of days. I didn't take my bike or plan to ride because the weather didn't look too great. We watched a lot of NCIS, ate some good food, went shooting one day, and ate at the Bear Paw cafe which didn't live up to its hype. We must be kharmically challenged when it comes to eating out in Saint George with my parents. Often things don't go right.

Lenore and I saw the Life of Pi one day. We were both a little disappointed. We wanted/expected a life affirming story. Instead it struck us as a man who underwent a very unfortunate experience and made up a fanciful story to deal with it.

I did some work on Jensen's car to clean up the battery and its connections and that seemed to help. Unfortunately, now that we have taken it to Tunex to have them do the emissions test, it appears we may not be holding on to this car too much longer.

I put together an old book that Lenore wrote/drew years ago and kept saying she was going to do something with it. The badge/link to it on Blurb is up on the left of the page. It turned out pretty well. I had to scan in her drawings and run them through Photo Shop to darken them. Her sketches were soooo light.

I fixed Lenore's bathroom faucet which has been extremely hard to operate. We cleaned the shower in the master bath and I cleaned and fixed some guns.

Lenore's sister Natalie came to visit for a week or so and stayed with the Smiths. So we did a lot of visiting over there after we returned from Saint George.

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