Meridian Magazine

18 November 2008

Recent Past/Near Future

I gave the annual tithing talk on Sunday (my fifth one.) I'm hoping I don't have to do too many more. It's difficult to come up with new material or a new angle. You feel like saying, "Look, just do it. Okay?" It went well enough, though. I also spoke briefly about supporting the Church in the current political climate.

Lenore and I sat down on Saturday and planned out Jensen's BYU classes for her. It took a little brain power. But, we have it worked out pretty well. Just have to get her into some housing now.

I have to do my annual performance review at work in the next couple of weeks. This is one of the most onerous tasks invented by man. You would think after 19 years you could just call it in. I should keep all my old papers and recycle what I've written before. They make a big deal about this being our thing. We are in charge of it. Well, if I'm in charge, let's cancel!

We are looking forward to the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday and also Christmas. With vacation days and extra days off I will be off early on the Weds before Thanksgiving (through the weekend) and then off the day before Christmas for 5 days and then one day of work and then another 6 days off. We should have fun. However, this could all change a little if anybody in the Ward dies. But, we are almost home free.

I think I've only had two funerals this year and one of those was for someone who moved out of the Ward years ago. We now have 9 people over the age of 90 and 35 over the age of 80. Poor Bishop Peaden. He's only been in 6 months and already done about 5 funerals.


Tom said...

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Cheeseboy said...

Hey, as the finance clerk, I fully endorsed your chat on tithing.