Meridian Magazine

24 October 2008


Between 11 and 19 October I may have set a new record for seeing first run movies at a real live theater. I saw:

Errand of Angels
Ghost Town
Eagle Eye
Journey to the Center of the Earth

I listed them in order of how good I thought they were. A few comments:

Journey was fine. It introduced a really cute new actress; Icelander Anita Briem. The story was silly enough. Kinda fluffy.

Eagle eye was maybe only slightly better than Journey. I mostly like Shia LeBouf. I could have done without so much action. make it a little more cerebral. But, okay.

Ricky Gervais often annoys me with his over the top caustic, sardonicism. But, he was kept within a box by something or someone on this film and it helped immensely. The message was very sweet. Tea Leoni's somewhat asymmetrical face of her youth maybe mellowing. She was a little easier on the eyes.

Errand of Angels managed to show mission life fairly accurately without demeaning it or opting for sophomoric LDS self deprecation. If you've been on an LDS mission you will probably relate. If you are planning for one it would be some good mild heads up and encouragement.

During the same time period Lenore saw all these movies plus the new Mummy movie. It was a Brendan Fraser week for her.

1 comment:

The Duncan Proect said...

I'll have to rent Errand of Angels. Don't see it anywhere here. Thanks for the recommendations.