Meridian Magazine

29 October 2007

In Honor of George H.W.

We've had a tree in our backyard since the very beginning that has gotten very large. A couple months ago the power company told us that we needed to trim it away from the power lines.
I borrowed an electric pole trimmer from Brent Gardner and did this on Saturday. I wasn't sure this tool was going to do the job. But, it worked out great. Many of the branches were too thick to have cut any other way. Jensen helped and we mostly cut just lower branches. A secondary motive for doing this was to allow a little more sunlight on the peach tree that is nearby. After we got done the tree looks like a broccoli.
Many of the branches I cut up for firewood. I was planning later on getting a big dumpster or a chipper/shredder to dispose of the smaller branches. They ended up in a pile on the back lawn and it was soon evident what was going to become of these. Jensen and Laney started working on a little hut made from these remainders. It's exactly the kind of thing I would have done when I was young. It will probably be there now through the winter. Jensen said it was a really fun day. She especially liked climbing in the tree to fasten a rope to branches so we could try to keep them falling on our side of the fence.

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