Meridian Magazine

06 October 2006

Let Them Eat Bread

Lenore and I have a sort of ongoing struggle about main dishes and desserts. She subscribes to the Hyacinth Bucket school of entertaining: lots of watercress sandwiches and dainty fruit desserts.

I would rather have meat (preferably beef or ham or pork ribs. If the lowly chicken is to be served it needs the KFC treatment, no low-fat skinless, boneless all white meat presentation.) and for dessert, chocolate needs to be front and center at least 90% of the time. The Smiths typically opt for a Blueberry Buckle or Apple Tart.

But, I will reveal a small problem with their tastes. Say you have a chocolate pie and a blueberry pie available for dessert. The masses will fight over the chocolate pie and the fruit pie will be neglected. Lenore cites this as reason not to buy chocolate. Go figure.

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