Meridian Magazine

03 June 2005

Red vs. Blue

Ailsa has started working at Laser Quest. Right now she is loving it. But, she is kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop. Wait until she gets her first paycheck and learns the meaning of "withholding" and "FICA." I've been several times with the kids and work and church groups and it is terrible fun. You pick a fictitious moniker for your computer score. You get coolth points if it's something relevant to pop culture or gaming or something that pubescent boys would be interested in. I usually picked Aknot for my name. Then you go into the arena and become cannon food for these same pubescent boys. My score was never very good. Once we played with a church group. One of the previous Bishops is a peace officer, trained in firearms. His score was very low. I'm glad a kevlar vest is part of his regulation equipment. I found it the most fun to try to occupy one of the quasi lookout dead-ends on the upper level and then just pick off people who come into your view. I usually would get Ailsa or Jensen to team with me and watch my back. Every once in a while when they weren't paying attention I would turn around and tag their vest, just for the extra points.

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