In the seventh grade our advanced placement civics type class participated in an exercise called "Womertopia." We played legislature for weeks on end presenting bills, debating them (this is what I mostly remember.) And I guess we eventually voted on them. The main thing I remember about the debate was that it seemed to be me against the rest of the class. On all of the hot button issues, especially Abortion and the Death Penalty I felt like the only person holding forth on the conservative view. I think this is part of the problem with conservatives. I probably wasn't the only one with my views. But, I was one of the few willing to argue for them publicly. Remember this was smack dab in the middle of very conservative Orange County in the early 70's. I re-lived a lot of this last night listening to those pleading for the life of "Tookie" Williams.
These are the arguments for sparing Tookie:
1. Killing is wrong. The Bible prohibits it;
2. The trial wasn't fair. He's really innocent; and
3. He is reformed and can do a lot of good if allowed to live.
1. Liberals love to throw the Bible back at us. But, if they knew it well they would realize that the law of Moses established the death penalty for infractions perhaps quite a bit more minor than murder, such as transgressing the law of the Sabbath. So with that in mind, what does the Bible mean when it says "Thou shalt not kill?"
2. Tookie's supporters have been assailing the trial with every weapon available for 25 years. It has stood up to numerous reviews and appeals, even at the hands of the Ninth Circuit Court. Second guessing the Judicial system can only go so far. As far as I'm concerned it went about 24 years too far. When OJ was acquitted they loved to say Justice was served and OJ's detractors had to live with it. Doesn't that idea apply now too?
3. Let's apply this argument to the practice of abortion.
It is not retribution. It is Justice.
Mr. Sharpton said that many would-be gang members would be drawn to a better life it Tookie were spared, they would want to work with the system. I don't think that is how gang members think. In the words of Inigo Montoya "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
Liberals say that deterrence doesn't work. It absolutely does. Tookie will never kill again.
Liberals see it as "hateful" to execute a killer. It really isn't done out of hate. But, rather justice. Is it not more hateful to kill an innocent unborn child through abortion?
I think the only fair argument for sparing Tookie is the he should have had swift justice.